Blinds inside the glass unit

Blinds built into the glass unit

The blinds built into the double-glazed window are an original solution for regulating the flow of light from the street. The blinds are made of durable aluminum plates. When closed, the structure improves the sound-insulating properties of the window, prevents the penetration of sound from the street. The installation of a solar control system is especially relevant for residents of apartment buildings, whose windows overlook a busy roadway.


- the design of the glass unit is airtight, which means that dust and dirt will not accumulate on the panels.
- In addition to saving time from the absence of the need to wash and clean,
- this design option is simply indispensable for people suffering from house dust allergy, which is so common in our time; savings, which is important for small rooms, space by the window, you cannot cling to the structure during awkward movement; whether the blinds are down or not does not make any difference to the ventilation of the room. In addition, the product is always clean, which means it looks more attractive;
- built-in blinds allow on hot days to reflect heat much more efficiently than their usual counterparts;
the structure will last a long time, at least as long as the windows will.
- It is quite reliable, provided that non-falsified products are purchased; double-glazed window blinds will function in different spatial positions, for example, in inclined windows;

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